Sponser Link
- タイプ
- インターナショナルスクール
- HP
- 住所
- 東京都港区元麻布一丁目30番
- 最寄駅
- 麻布十番駅
- 電話
- (0)3-3451-5520
- 年齢
- 時間(最長)
- ー
- 延長保育
- ー
- 土•日クラス
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- 英語学童
(幼稚園児) - ー
- 英語学童
(小学生) - ー
- 無償化
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Sponser Link
- 特徴
- Founded in 1949, Nishimachi is known for its innovative international educational excellence in Japan for over seventy years. The language of instruction is English and all students study Japanese language and culture daily. Working with a dedicated faculty and staff, students benefit from the school's rigorous curriculum, close-knit community, and interactions with the vibrant local culture. Students leave Nishimachi thoroughly prepared to continue their education in first-class learning institutions around the world. As part of a community of learners, students are guided to take personal ownership of their learning, to make meaningful connections with others, to pursue challenges and persevere, to act ethically and respectfully, and to use multiple processes to think, innovate and reflect. Nishimachi learners are empowered to know, care and take action to bring value to others and make a positive impact in their world.
- 詳細情報
- 中学校まであるインターナショナルスクール
幼稚園-午前8時10分から午後2時30分 - 費用
- Application Fee (non-refundable): ¥25,000※情報が古い場合があります。正確な金額は施設にお問い合わせください。
Entrance Fee (One Time Only)
Registration (non-refundable) ¥300,000
Building Maintenance Fee (non-refundable) ¥750,000
Annual Fee
Tuition: Y2,440,000
Education Enhancement Fee: Y200,000
School Growth Fund Fee: Y200,000
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- ブログ
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- 口コミ
口コミをお待ちしております。口コミ投稿フォーム - お問い合わせ