Sponser Link
- タイプ
- インターナショナルスクール
- HP
- 住所
- 東京都江東区木場3-14-4
- 最寄駅
- 東西線木場駅から徒歩10分
- 電話
- 03-5646-5280
- 年齢
- 3歳〜5歳
- 時間(最長)
- 8:40-19:00
- 延長保育
- 有り
- 土•日クラス
- ー
- 英語学童
(幼稚園児) - ー
- 英語学童
(小学生) - ー
- 無償化
- 幼児教育無償化の対象園です。
Sponser Link
- 特徴
- Language Arts
justifications for the inclusion of language arts as a core area of exploration and study in early childhood is its’ ability to develop and support cognitive thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in young children.
justifications for the inclusion of social emotion as a core area of exploration and study in early childhood is its’ ability to develop and support cognitive thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in young children.
justification for the inclusion of numeracy as a core area of exploration and study in early childhood is its ability to develop and support cognitive thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving skills in young children.
- 詳細情報
- 無償化対象施設(江東区HPに記載)
- 費用
- (At the time of Admission (One Time))※情報が古い場合があります。正確な金額は施設にお問い合わせください。
Admissions Applications Fee ¥11,000
Registration Fee ¥77,000
Building Maintenance Fee ¥77,000
(Tution Fees)
Annual Tuition Fee (Applicable only for A.Y. 2021-2022)
K1 (Cubs) ¥13,200
K2 (Pandacorns) ¥18,700
K3 (Dolphins) ¥22,000
Management Fee ¥110,000
Miscellaneous Fee (Activities & Events, e-Learning, Insurance) ¥33,000
School Buss Fee (For exisiting bus routes) ¥0
- ブログ
- ー
- 口コミ
口コミをお待ちしております。口コミ投稿フォーム - お問い合わせ